Residents fined hundreds of pounds each for littering cigarettes in Cambridge

Two Cambridge residents have been fined hundreds of pounds by the city council for littering cigarettes in the city centre. Jason Smith, of Sackville Close, and Chloe Mills, of Kingsway, were each ordered to pay large sums of money for two separate incidents.

Mr Smith was seen throwing a cigarette from the window of a blue Renault in July 2022 and failed to pay a fixed penalty notice. He pleaded guilty at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court and was ordered to pay a total of £487.

The court also heard that Miss Mills was seen dropping a cigarette whilst walking on Regent Street in May 2022. She was fined £494 after she didn’t pay the fixed penalty notice, nor attend court or enter a plea.

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Cllr Rosy Moore, Executive Councillor for Environment, Climate Change, and Biodiversity, said: “It’s disappointing to see that there are further incidents of irresponsible people littering cigarettes in the city. Throwing your cigarette butt on the ground is littering, which is a criminal act.

“Cigarette butts, although small in size, contains toxins, such as nicotine, which if accidentally swallowed by children or animals, can lead to poisoning and other health risks. Litter also makes the city look untidy, uncared for, and invites further anti-social behaviour, as well being an avoidable cost to the community to have to clear it up.

“Helping to keep Cambridge clean is the responsibility of everyone who lives, works and visits the city. There is no excuse for people to litter and those who feel they are above the law will face consequences for their criminal action.”

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Cambridgeshire Live – Environment