Ipswich Speakers Club News

What's On In Ipswich

Ipswich Speakers Club News Update
Inspiring Speaking Confidence

Ipswich Speakers Club has been running for 52 years now!  And the doors are always open to guests.

At the time of writing, we have just had our monthly face to face March meeting (2nd Thursday of the Month) where we had several speeches including our regular Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Educational Training Session. A very funny topics session where we were practicing persuasion and meaning what you say on the topic of “what not to do when…”. And one of the members achieved their foundation certificate with their superb speech ‘Meaningful Names’.

The Foundation Certificate recognises the amazing speakers journey from fear of speaking in public to being able to get up and prepare a good speech, following the assignments on ‘speech construction’, ‘speaking with conviction’, ‘using gestures and body language’ as well as a ‘using your voice’. The foundation is only the beginning.

Meetings are in two halves and the face-to-face meeting refreshments are provided; we encourage our members to bring their own mugs. Guests don’t worry we have cup for you, but we are always doing what we can to protect the environment.

Guests are always invited to take in topics, these are two-minute speeches with no preparation, they are brilliant for gaining initial confidence and are very enjoyable. In speakers club everything and everyone gets given feedback and is gently mentored to keep expanding their comfort zones.

Our face-to-face meetings are at the University of Suffolk on the 2nd Thursday of the Month 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start – 10pm. Our Zoom monthly meeting is on the 4th Thursday of the Month timings are the same.

Whatever level of speaking skills and confidence you have, the club aims to help you to develop your skills, with both prepared and off-the-cuff speeches, for entertaining or formal occasions. Do please come along and see for yourself. You can visit Ipswich Speakers Club without being a member for free anytime as many times as you wish but you will need to join to do the assignments. Joining Ipswich Speakers Club is £50 for the year (Students half-price). For more details email: Lisa lisamcnulty@nlpchange.co.uk or more information available on Ipswich Speakers Club website www.ipswichspeakersclub.org.uk

Next meeting on 24th March 2022 via Zoom (4th Thursday of the Month) at 7:20pm for 7:30pm start

Meeting ID: 836 0596 7863
Passcode: 143076

Next Face to Face Meeting: 10th April 2022 (2nd Thursday of the Month) at the University of Suffolk (normally room 115) 7:15pm for 7:30pm start.

Lisa McNulty

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