Pubs and bars around Ipswich are preparing themselves for a bumper summer as the Euro 2024 football tournament prepares for kick-off.
The Euros start at 8pm on Friday as hosts Germany take on Scotland in the opening match, with England facing Serbia in their first group game on Sunday.
Businesses in Ipswich are predicting a busy time during the Euros and are hoping it will bring in plenty of trade as fans cheer on their heroes.
Tristan Finbow, from Isaacs on the Quay in Ipswich Waterfront, said: “We are really excited to be showing a major tournament again.

“It has not been since 2018 that we’ve been able to show an unrestricted summer tournament.”
Isaacs has once again set up an additional bar under the TVs in the courtyard, which will have two lagers and one cider on draught.
Nicola Emerick, manager of The Gardeners Arms (Image: Charlotte Bond)
England flags have gone up at The Gardeners Arms (Image: The Gardeners Arms)
At the Gardeners Arms, 18 screens will be showing football.
Nicola Emerick, manager of the pub, said: “We’re all prepared and absolutely buzzing for a great Euros tournament.
“We hope to see as many as possible in the Gardeners Arms and in our awesome Venue 77, getting behind the team and we really believe England have what it takes this year to go all the way.”
The Halberd Inn will be offering a four bottles for £12 deal throughout the tournament as well.
Revolution Ipswich has been decorated ahead of the Euros, with bunting hung representing the flags of the 24 participating countries.
Flags of the participating countries at this year’s Euros outside Revolution (Image: Tom Cann)
L-R: Gus Chrysomalis, Frank McFadden and Steven Wells – the team at Shamrock. (Image: Archant)
The Shamrock, a traditional Irish pub in Ipswich town centre, will also cheering on the Three Lions – despite the long-running rivalry between the two nations.
Owner Steven Wells saying: “It’s been a long time since England won a major tournament so it would be great to see them win it.
“We are expecting it to be very busy and we are really looking forward to it.
“We’ve invested in a new audio-visual system so we can show different channels on our screens, as there will be some coverage overlap with analysis.
“Last World Cup, despite how well England did, the business wasn’t there due to it being cold so the atmosphere wasn’t there, so it’s great to have a summer tournament.
“It would be great to replicate the atmosphere for the Euros that we have had for Ipswich games.”
The Gardeners Arms has been decorated inside (Image: The Gardeners Arms)